
Medical Woes

Just a quick little note. My grandpa had 6 mini strokes two weeks ago and ended up having to get his artery cleaned out. He is home now and doing fantastic. Me on the other hand. I have had this weird little circular rash on my face for a month and a half now. I went to my regular Dr. 3 weeks ago and they diagnose it as ring worm. They gave me a cream and told me if it didn't go away in a week see a Dermatologist. SO. I went to my derm. and he didn't know what it was ether so he took a biopsy of it and now I have stitches and a big red ring on my face. Oh and did I mention they still don't know what it is. 
P.S. to all the moms of little ones: don't let your kids play with other kids hair. You never know what is lurking in their. 


Pauline said...

I am sorry about you rash those Dr. usually make things worse than they start out to be hope you find out what it is.

Glad to hear that you grandpa is home and doing better

Pauline said...

Yes Sharise is a cute Aunt she loves those kids, she always is saying that she hopes that her sister didn't take all the cute kids so she is left with the ugly ones. She is crazy her kids will be just as cute. And yes I am counting the days today is 15 to be exact haven't gotten to the hours yet not sure what time he gets in but as soon as I find out I'll be sure and let you know the hours. :)

Peyton and Jayce said...

Leslie I hope you are okay! The rash does not sound pleasant- I sure hope there is something that can be done to help you- does it hurt- itch??
Hope your grandpa is well also- they can do amazing things these days!

Pauline said...

I told you when I found out the hours it as of 12:30 today we had 314 1/2 hours so there you are. :)

Peyton and Jayce said...

Les I saw your cute car today! It is adorable! SO happy for you!